
Announcements / News

Montessori Classroom at the Elementary Level

Similar to the early childhood classroom, Montessori classrooms at the Elementary level…

What is MMUN?  

Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN): A Life-Changing Experience for Upper Elementary Students…

Thriving in the Third Year: The Final Step to Confidence and Success!

The Third Year of a Montessori Classroom Cycle is the most critical!…

Upcoming Events

march, 2025



Sending your infant to school can be terrifying, but since day one, our daughter's teacher has gone above and beyond to reassure us that The Glen was the best decision. Each day we see evidence of the confidence and independence the teachers have instilled, whether it is walking up and down the stairs on her own or looking through a book describing pictures to herself, we know these skills all started with The Glen! We feel lucky to have this opportunity for our daughter.
_Shane & Mia N., Parents of Children's House & Birth-to-Three Students
My son has told me that he loves school. I am a believer of it takes a village to raise a child, and I could not ask for a better village than the Glen.
_Jan H., Parents of Alumni Student
I know the Glen Montessori School gave me an impeccable education and foundation. As I have become older, I habitually see the benefits of my Montessori education. So much that I have worked in Montessori classrooms and plan on sending my children to a Montessori preschool. It is such an amazing way to learn.
_Eileen O., Alumni Student
We've been a Glen family for over seven years now and because of the wonderful teachers and staff at the school, not once in that seven years have I ever worried about whether my boys were being well cared for and safe. They've learned so much and love school!
_Natalie & Alex T., Parents of Elementary Students
It has been amazing to see our daughter’s growth in academics, confidence, and independence. The collaboration, helpful spirit, and diversity of the children make this such a special place. We attribute much of this to the nurturing staff and the Montessori curriculum. The collaboration, helpful spirit, and diversity of the children make The Glen such a special place.
_Donna & Kilichan G., Parents of Elementary Student