Message from the Head of School
The Glen prides itself on having a dedicated, professional faculty.
All of the head teachers at The Glen are Montessori trained.
The Glen Montessori School difference is our faculty. At The Glen, our faculty individualizes the Montessori curriculum for each student from eight weeks old through the sixth grade. This creates a system that both supports and challenges students as needed.
This type of child-centered education requires faculty who are both specially trained in the Montessori Method and committed to ongoing professional development to continuously improve their professional practice.

Ms. Jackie Herrmann
Our Mission
The Glen Montessori School is dedicated to providing an enriching Montessori educational environment where all children are encouraged to grow to their fullest potential.
In the Classroom
In classrooms at The Glen, you see children of different ages working at their own pace with materials they have chosen. The teachers blend into the buzz of quiet activity as they take time to assess the children through regular observation. Additionally, teachers prioritize presenting new lessons to children who demonstrate readiness, and offer one-on-one support to children who need assistance. The teacher’s aim is to encourage hands-on, self-directed learning, and that accommodates individual mastery and small group collaboration within the classroom community.
History of the School
In 1986, six mothers who shared a vision for creating a Montessori School in the Sewickley Valley formed The Glen Montessori School. They knew the power of the Montessori methods for teaching children and they wanted that for their own children as well as the community at large. In addition, they recognized the power of combining direct parent involvement and guidance with an educational philosophy that encouraged independence and development at a child’s own pace. In the Fall of 1986, the school welcomed its first class of 15 students. A second classroom was added the following year, taking enrollment to 48 students.
In 2001, The Glen relocated to a larger facility in Emsworth that had large classrooms and office space to support The Glen’s growth. There was a beautiful outdoor play area for the children to enjoy, as well as a nearby park to support school functions.
Then in 2012, The Glen purchased its own building in Ross Township, just a few miles north of Downtown Pittsburgh. What was previously Perrysville Elementary has become the new home of The Glen Montessori School. This new facility is larger and has many additional amenities, such as a gymnasium, art room, and cafeteria.
In May 2013, The Glen celebrated its first Sixth Grade Graduates.
Today, The Glen is a school community of more than 200 children and their families.
Board of Directors
David Garlock, President; Katy Miller, Vice President; David Fath, Secretary; Angel Baney, Steffi Frawley, Annie Graziani, Octavio Herrera-Ruiz, Thomas Joseph.
If you would like to contact our board members through e-mail, the address is board@glenmontessori.org
Phenomenal Students
Quality Programs
Amazing Faculty Members
The Glen’s programs are tailored for academic excellence through our commitment to continuous quality improvement. We encourage a high level of reflection and invest in the ongoing development of our staff.
The Glen is a full member of the American Montessori Society and rigorously follows its recommended guidelines for member organizations.
As Montessori is at the core of all we do at The Glen, our current strategic plan has made accreditation with the American Montessori Society a goal within the next five years.