Glen Grandparents Invest in Montessori Education!

This time last year (long before the coronavirus interrupted our lives!), a Glen grandparent contacted our office inquiring about what support our school needed to continue the tremendous Montessori education offered to our students every day.
The school’s internet access points were sorely outdated, and every classroom needed more reliable access to the internet. Teachers needed to be able to upload images of students to Transparent Classrooms daily, manage their lesson plans, and email communication with parents. Students in our elementary classrooms needed reliable access to the Google Suite for a place to practice and develop writing skills, managing their weekly work plans, online libraries, and the web for research.
The family generously agreed to support our investment and provided the resources to update our wireless network. The Glen was able to install an access point in each classroom and multiple general-purpose areas throughout the building. The technology also enabled the school to update its public announcement system and increase building security with the ability to communicate with the classrooms.
This investment in technology was timely. With the pandemic, twenty percent of Glen students started the year remotely, relying on Chromebooks and WiFi to communicate with their teacher, receive lessons, get feedback, and participate in-class activities.
This thoughtful gift, made by a caring Grandparent, has made all the difference in The Glen’s ability to adapt to our changing world. A special thanks!
“Teachers used to sit in the doorway of their classroom to email parents and do their record keeping; sometimes, we would even get kicked off because we were all trying to work at the same time. Now, we can all work when it makes sense for our schedules – and have remote students online too! We are so grateful!”
Ms. Lori, Children’s House Program Director and Lead Teacher