Thank You to our MMUN Donors!

Thank you to all the Upper Elementary supporters over the last year (March 1, 2023- March 31, 2024)! Your gifts has enabled our students to attend the Montessori Model United Nations Conference 2024!
We especially appreciate our Restaurant Partners’ help in making Pizza Friday and World Culture Wednesdays possible. This support has enabled our students to raise more than half the trip cost!
Adrian’s Pizza – lots of pizza every week!
Alihan’s Mediterranean Cuisine
El Sabor Latin Kitchen on Penn
We especially appreciate all the families who purchased Pizza Friday and World Culture Wednesdays – thank you!
Some exceptional individuals went above and beyond, making additional monetary gifts in addition to their purchases and donations at the Snowball Dance and other times throughout the year. Thank you for making this experience a possibility for our 4th-6th graders!
Anonymous (5)
The Sam / Amoah-Odoom Family
Ankita Chouhan and Manmohan Aseri
Angela and Fawad Asghar
The Bailey / Conroy Family
Stacey and Philip Baker
Kelsie and Mamadou Balde
Ramadevi and Venkat Banda
Angel and Tom Baney
Marissa and Michael Barkowski
Carrie and Benjamin Boss
The Brooks Family
Aya and Ryan Brown
The Byrnes Family
Erin and Michael Cardamone
The Casey / Padamsee Family
Chaowei Shang and Yang Chai
Kristina and Scott Daly
Megan and Michael Donovan
Andrea Drenning and Jonathan Thurner
The Duggi / Kancharla Family
Robin and Kevin Elrod
Catia and David Fath
Chiara and John Feeley
Marcia and Roger Fischer
The Estes / Forrest Family
Steffi and Dustin Frawley
The French Family
Chelsea and David Garlock
Marina and Alex Giallonardo
Shivangi Goyal and Mithilesh Davda
The Gurleyik Family
The Nashar / Hadri Family
The Haller Family
The Harvey Family
The Herrera-Ruiz / Lozada Family
Jackie Herrmann
Angela Hough
Rachel Joseph and Micah Howard
Joyce and Phillip Huffman
Theresa Hunt
Kimba Huth
Myah Moore Irick and Jaime Irick
Lindsey Hepner and Frisman Jackson
Sarah and Anthony Jimenez
Mr. Tom Joseph
Yana Kancheva Kang and Pete Kang
The Arivarasan Family
Samantha and Dylan Kopnitsky
Elana and Michael Leo
Fenghua Li and Zhaoen Su
Ying Liu and Jiayin Li
The Li / Qiu Family
The Lu Family
Archana Machani and Nikil Mudunuri
The Markel Family
Mr. Evan Miller
Ms. Lauren Miller
Rachel and Mike Murray
Catalina Ardila and Pablo Nanez
The Neville Family
The Paletta Family
Chloe and Brian Phillips
Kimberly and James Pontarelli
The Porter Family
Sree Sushma Tripuraneni and Manohar Potluri
Gayathri Kota and Regunathan Prasanna
Jessica and Matthew Price
Sarah and Brendan Quay
Starry and Justin Ray
Jenny and Benjamin Rogers
Ms. Liz Rogers
Joselyne and Harry Rosenberg
Kaitlyn Sayers and Zachary Fischer
Lisa and John Schalcosky
The Seto Family
Yanlin Gu and Yejie Shi
Angelica Singh
Jessica Slean and Duncan Henricks
Samantha McCoy Smith and Robert Smith
Xiaojun Tan and Jing Zhu
Kristin and John Taylor
The Taylor Family
Srujana Thogaru and Dhileep Jinna
Megan Turnbull and Amitava Mukherjee
Eleanor and Shane Valenzi
Erin Riley and Brian Vernon
The Watt Family
Amelia Weishaar and Peter Simon
Jaya Mehta and Alexander Whiting
Mr. Yuko Wong
Yanqin Tan and Jiahan Xie
Hsin-Chieh Yang and Ju-Yi Lu
The Yildirim Family
Tetiana and Roman Zubatiuk
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. Any updates or changes should be directed to