We Are Reopening Monday, July 6th!

We are reopening Monday, July 6th! This day has been a long time coming and has required a great deal of planning and forethought. In an effort to protect the children and staff as well as help reduce the chances of spreading COVID-19 within the school we are developing a set of guidelines for the school’s operation while directly working with experts.
Here are some of the things you can expect:
- The Glen’s hours of operation are being shortened to 8:00am-4:00pm. This is to accommodate guidelines that require us not to mix groups of children or staff while still maintaining ratios per Dept. of Human Services regulations.
- Drop off will begin for Birth to Three students will begin at 7:50am and pick up will begin at 3:50pm. If an earlier pick up is needed parents can make arrangements with the teacher. Summer camp hours are 8:20 drop off and 3:50 pick up (half-day campers will be picked up at 12:00pm)
- Group sizes are being limited to allow for social distancing.
- All children and faculty will be temperature checked and screened for symptoms before coming into the school building.
- Before entering the building children will either wash their hands or use hand sanitizer under the supervision of faculty.
- Parents will be required to fill out a Google form each morning before bringing their child to The Glen. This form will ask about the child’s health and any possible exposure to Covid-19. If parents are unable to access the online form a paper copy will be available to complete.
- No visitors, including parents, will be allowed in the building. We love our families and are thankful to be able to work in partnership with them to benefit our students. To help reduce the chances of exposure for all involved, those partnerships will need to happen in formats other than face to face.
- Every adult at The Glen and all children over two years old will wear a mask inside the school building. The faculty of The Glen will determine if a child is unable to wear a mask and will communicate with parents about it. Children will not wear masks during nap or while eating or drinking. Children will have the option of wearing masks outside.
- Children or faculty/ staff who display symptoms of illness will be isolated from others (children will always be supervised by an adult) and will be sent home as soon as possible.
- Lunches will not require warming or heating. (Bottles for infants are an exception to this rule.)
- Frequently touched surfaces in the school and materials in the classrooms will be disinfected frequently.
We will continue to communicate about the reopening of The Glen and our operations during this health crisis. Our plan is to continue to safely offer in-person education, the core of our day, and that, as time goes on, we are able to eventually move back to the typical environment that we have come to expect from The Glen Montessori School. We do not have a timeline for business-as-usual, however, we will continue to honor and uphold all enrollment contracts with families. Each family should review all Glen guidelines and make their decisions accordingly.
We will continue to monitor the rate of COVID-19 infection in our area and make decisions based on prioritizing the health and safety of The Glen community. We will, of course, follow the guidelines dictated by the Governor’s office, the PA Department of Human Services, the PA Department of Education, and the policies/procedures outlined above which were developed by experts following the recommendations of the CDC and PA Department of Health.
These are difficult and uncertain times, but I am genuinely looking forward to welcoming everyone back to our building. I look forward to seeing you on July 6!