Grandparents & Gourds!

The Glen Parent Teacher Community recently welcomed all generations of family! Students invited their grandparent(s) to school for an evening of pumpkin decorating and seasonal memory-making.
Parent volunteers organized many activities for grandparents and grandchildren, including storytime provided by Northland Library, natural art creation based on Leaf-Man by Lois Ehlert, generational photo-booth pics, and autumn-themed snacks for munching.
The most popular activity by far was pumpkin decorating! Each registered family received one pumpkin for each child and chose from a variety of decorating options, such as painting, stickers, and markers. Older children also worked with a family member to carve or punch out designs on their pumpkins. Some students layered their designs by cutting the pumpkin first, and then adding paint and stickers. A few adventurous grandparents even joined in by painting their grandchildren’s pumpkins and then carving them while the paint was still wet! Grandparents truly are the best!
We know that when families and schools work together, children benefit! Save the date for Generations Days, March 25-27! Glen students will welcome a family member from a different generation to visit their classroom. Look for more information in upcoming issues of the Montessori Minute!