Upper Elementary Visits the Lutherlyn Environmental Education Program

What is the Lutherlyn Trip Really Like?
This week, seven Upper Elementary students tell us all about it! Our Head of School, Jackie, met with seven members of the Upper Elementary class to learn about their trip to Lutherlyn, a camp and outdoor education center in Butler, PA. The following is a transcript of the student’s responses:
Jackie: Thanks for sitting down with me to answer some questions about Lutherlyn. I know many people in our community are curious to learn more about it. How many times have you been to Lutherlyn?
Vera: this was my second time
Judea: once
Stefania: three times. Two overnight trips and one day trip
Jonas: second year
Elliott: second year
Ronan: second, first overnight
Roman: first
Jackie: What was the highlight of the trip for you?
Vera: I liked singing together and learning the Native American sign language.
Judea: I think the nature walk and finding tadpoles in the pool.
Jonas: I liked doing the team-building activities because they were tough, but when you finished them, it felt great.
Elliott: That’s tough. We did new things, so it’s tough to say. The bird watching was really fun.
Ronan: I would say bird watching because I love birds.
Roman: I liked a lot of things, but I can only narrow it down to three: the rec room, the jump pillow, and the food. The food was the best.
Jackie: You probably know that the teachers plan this trip at the beginning of each year to help build community in the classroom. Can you speak to that?
Vera: It was good. We worked together in group building projects and we talked about what we did good and what we did bad and then we improved on the next one.
Jonas: People definitely interacted more. People got to know each other more. It was really fun and it helped a lot of people connect and some people who didn’t have a lot of confidence were able to build confidence in the group activities. We were all very supportive.
Elliott: It was a really good idea.
Jackie: What was the most surprising thing about Lutherlyn?
Vera: It was also surprising that we learned lots of cool facts and it kind of surprised me that chipmunks made noises like birds. I didn’t know that before.
Stefania: There is a lot to see and do. I think they are most surprised that so much is able to be accomplished in three days and two nights. We do something really cool, at least, every day.
Roman: the jump pillow
Jackie: In a word, how would you describe the Lutherlyn trip?
Vera: Fun. It is very fun.
Judea: Fun
Stefania: Fourth grade me would say- Exciting. Today, I say Tiring.
Jonas: Awesome
Elliott: Fun
Ronan: Learning, because I did learn a lot of stuff
Roman: Fun
Jackie: Do you think the trip to Lutherlyn is one that anyone could enjoy?
Vera: Well, mostly anyone because it’s like an overnight camp, so some people might miss people. It’s also kind of hard to stay almost 24/7 with everybody.
Elliott: Some people were nervous and sad because it was going to be the longest they had ever been away from home, but then we convinced them to be happy, and they grew attached to Lutherlyn right away.
Judea: For me, I never camped before and I missed my parents, but I really liked it. It was super fun.
Jackie: I’ve heard many people talk about the food at Lutherlyn. Would you like to discuss the food?
Vera: Yes. I love the food. It was delicious. The cooks are very, very nice to us.
Judea: The food is really good. The cook is very nice. She made the best cakes.
Stefania: It’s pretty good, but this year because of climate change there wasn’t any maple syrup, I really like the grilled cheese there and the tomato soup with it. They also have a really good chocolate cake.
Elliott: I can’t get enough of the food. The toast was delicious. Everyone had at least one piece of toast. Me, I had twenty—chocolate and vanilla cake with whipped cream!
Ronan: It was insane. The chef there, Chef Lisa, is the kindest. She made vegetarian food, and it was so good.
Roman: All the food was good. I think I liked breakfast the most. She even ordered extra cans of peaches for us. I liked the coffee cake.
Jackie: If you had to rate Lutherlyn between 1-10, what would you rate the trip?
Stefania: 7.5/10 It was really fun, but really tiring.
Jonas: 12/10
Elliott: 10/10, a solid ten. It was really fun.
Ronan: 10/10
Roman: 9/10
Read more about the Lutherlyn Environmental Education Program.