Household Chores for Children of Any Age

17Oct, 2024
Household Chores for Children of Any Age
Many children look for the opportunity to contribute to their family and home by independently completing needed tasks. This ability to contribute has an enormous benefit on a child’s self-worth.
Here are some of the tasks we recommend:
18 months to 3 years old
- Simple food prep using a wavy chopper
- Putting dirty clothes in a hamper or basket
- Throwing away trash
- Window and mirror washing with a spray bottle(water only) and squeegee
- Putting their toys away
- Stacking books on a shelf
- Folding wash clothes
- Setting the table
- Dusting low shelves
- Pack their lunch
Ages 3-6
- Feed family pets
- Wipe up spills
- Separate the recycling
- Make their bed
- Prepare simple snacks and drinks
- Straighten their bedroom
- Water houseplants
- Sort clean silverware and put away
- Separate colors for laundry
- Use a hand-held vacuum
- Clear the table
- Help dry and put away dishes
- Clean doorknobs
Ages 6-9
- Gather trash and recycling
- Fold towels
- Dust mop floors
- Hang/fold clothes
- Empty dishwasher
- Wipe off table
- Bake cookies by following a recipe
- Match clean socks
- Weed garden
- Load dishwasher
- Spray off patio
- Rake leaves
- Peel potatoes or carrots
- Make a salad
- Help make a grocery list
- Replace toilet paper roll
- Change lightbulbs
- Run the washing machine
- Dust furniture
- Put groceries away
- Scramble eggs
Ages 9-12
- Clean bathrooms
- Vacuum rugs and carpets
- Clean countertops
- Clean microwave
- Deep clean kitchen
- Plan and prepare a simple meal
- Mow lawn
- Bring in the mail
- Do simple mending (replace a button, repair a hem)
- Sweep out the garage or basement
- Clean out the car interior
- Wash car
- Water the garden or outdoor plants
Ages 12 and up
- Mop floors
- Change overhead lights
- Trim hedges
- Paint walls
- Shop for groceries with a list
- Plan and cook a complete meal
- Bake bread or cake
- Do simple home repairs
- Wash windows with a cleaning solution
- Iron clothes
- Watch younger siblings
Hints to make these tasks as successful as possible:
- Prepare the environment
- Gather appropriately sized tools for the child’s age
- Put items in an easy-to-reach location
- Place everything needed for the task in one basket or tray
- Make sure containers are easy to open and close
- Remember it is a process
- Not every chore your child completes will be done the way you would do it!
- Some things may need to be touched up later
- Everything has a place
- This will make straightening easier for everyone
- If your child needs assistance, you can help them map it out
- Breakdown large tasks into smaller pieces so it feels manageable