International Summer Camp 2025

Register Early! Glen Family and Friends are invited to register now through March 1!

Payment is due at the time of registration. The Glen’s International Summer Camp is very popular and has limited capacity. Weekly sessions usually sell out before the registration deadlines. If a camp session has closed due to maximum enrollment, email to be added to the waitlist.

International Summer Camp at The Glen


Montessori education is a leader in global education; in summer camp, The Glen dives deep into introducing children to cultures and countries worldwide, helping them connect their experiences to those of children in other countries.  

Your child will develop their imagination and powers of abstraction while they explore the geography, traditions, languages, art, music, and games of international cultures while receiving continued literacy activities with dedicated reading time each day. 

“Travel” Destinations for 2025


Session # Dates Destination/ Theme Registration Deadlines
1 June 2-6: Waitlist for all age levels; contact Ms. Luisa Suriname May 1
2 June 9-13: Waitlist for all age levels; contact Ms. Luisa Egypt May 1
3 June 16-20
(no camp on Thursday, June 19, Juneteenth)
Thailand May 1
4 June 23-27: Waitlist for all age levels; contact Ms. Luisa Spain May 1
5 June 30- July 3
(no camp Friday, July 4, Fourth of July): Waitlist for all age levels; contact Ms. Luisa
United States June 5
6 July 7-11: Waitlist for all age levels; contact Ms. Luisa Papua New Guinea June 5
7 July 14-18; Waitlist for Investigators, Adventurers, and Trailblazers, contact Ms. Luisa Tanzania June 5
8 July 21-25; Waitlist for Investigators, Adventurers, and Trailblazers, contact Ms. Luisa Argentina June 5
9 July 28 – August 1: Waitlist for all age levels; contact Ms. Luisa Greece July 1
10 August 4-8: Waitlist for Investigators, Adventurers, and Trailblazers, contact Ms. Luisa Sri Lanka July 1
11 August 11-15
(half-day, pick up at noon on Friday, August 15): Waitlist for all age levels; contact Ms. Luisa
Dominican Republic July 1

Children ages 3 – 12 can attend summer camp at The Glen. Children do not have to be current Glen students. The child’s age on June 1, 2025, determines the grouping below.  Children with summer birthdays can not be moved to another group.

     Investigators – Age 3; must be toilet trained

     Adventurers – Age 4 

     Trailblazers – Age 5 

     Pathfinders – Ages 6-12

If your child is not a part of our school-year community, please allow ample time for us to meet with you and your child before tendering payment or confirming your child’s camp schedule.  Payment is due following a face-to-face meeting.

Your child’s participation is not confirmed until full payment is received.

Child Care Works Subsidized Child Care Program

The Glen accepts Child Care Works Subsidy as partial payment for Summer Camp.  Families must be already enrolled in the CCIS program before registering for Summer Camp. Contact for more information. 

Current Glen Student Rates

3-day Schedule (choose 3 days, Monday–Thursday) 5-day Schedule
Morning Session:
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM 
$154.00 $220.00
Regular Day Session:
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
$209.00 $325.00

Glen student rates are for students enrolled for the 2024-2025 school year. Siblings, ages 3-12, of current students are also welcome to participate in The Glen’s Summer Camp at the Non-Glen Student rate listed below.

Current Glen Student Rates –  Once your family’s registration is received, the fee will be manually added to your FACTS account. You can pay these charges as soon as they appear. Fees are due in full at the time of registration.

See more detail in The Glen’s 2025 International Summer Camp Parent Handbook

Non-Glen Student Rates

3-day Schedule (choose 3 days, Monday–Thursday) 5-day Schedule
Morning Session:
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM  
$170.00 $248.00
Regular Day Session:
8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
$230.00 $358.00

For campers unaffiliated with The Glen’s School Year program.

Non-Glen Student Rates – Students Not Enrolled in the 2024-2025 school year: 

Once your registration form is completed:

  1. A summer faculty member will connect to arrange a face-to-face parent and student interview. 
  2. Upon completion of that interview, please mail a check made out to The Glen Montessori School for the full Registration Fee along with a copy of the Emergency Contact FormSunscreen Authorization Form, and Field Trips Permission Form to The Glen.  


See more detail in The Glen’s 2025 International Summer Camp Parent Handbook

When you enroll, you reserve your child’s time, space, staffing, and provisions whether or not they attend. Payment is due in full at the time of registration. 

Changes/cancellations must be completed before the Registration Deadlines listed above.

Change fees apply at the rate of $25 per child per change. This includes trading weeks, daily scheduling (3 to 5 days or reducing from 5 to 3 days), half-day to full-day, or full-day to half-day.  

Cancellations before the Registration Deadline will receive a 75% refund of the canceled week(s).  

Cancellations after the registration deadlines do not receive any refund. Refunds are not offered for missed or partially attended weeks. 

Adding weeks/days (if available) does not incur an additional fee.

Campers 4 years and older can attend occasional Field Trips throughout the summer. The cost for these trips is included in the 5-regular-day camp registration fee. Transportation will be provided by school buses.

Field Trips are for regular-day campers (8:30 am-4:00 pm); 3-regular-day campers can attend if the field trip falls on one of your chosen 3-day dates. It is not an option for AM-only campers.

Field Trip Days: Children should have a fully disposable lunch with no reusable containers, including disposable beverage containers. Refrigeration and heat-ups will not be available.

Parents are required to sign additional permission forms before each field trip.  Children without specific permission will stay behind with younger campers.

List of Field Trips for 2025


The Glen Montessori Non-Discriminatory Clause: Services are provided, and admissions/referrals are made without regard to race, color, religious creed, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, or national origin.

Essential Info for Summer Campers

What to wear and bring to camp

Your camper should wear play clothes that can get messy. Athletic shoes are the best choice (no flip-flops permitted).

Each day, campers should come to camp:

— wearing sunscreen
— and bring a backpack with:

– a spill-proof water bottle
lunch (no heat-ups) 
towel, crocs, or an extra pair of shoes, and
extra clothes in case your camper needs to be changed.  

Each week, your camper must bring: 

— sunscreen (labeled with name)
naptime supplies (ages 3-5), and
a change of clothes.  

Daily water activities are available for children as weather permits. Children will not change into swimsuits, but crocs (or an extra pair of shoes) and towels are helpful to send daily. No water shoes, please.


Lunches are brought from home daily. A reusable lunch box with reusable containers and spill-proof water bottles is suggested. We are not able to heat food, but refrigeration is available. Half-day campers are also encouraged to bring lunch or a snack.  Lunch is at 11:30 

The Glen is a nut-free campus. Please read labels carefully and do not include nut products in your child’s lunch. If nut products are included in the lunch, they will be returned home unopened.  

If your child has any allergies, please be sure to identify their allergies during registration and alert the summer camp coordinator. See the Allergies, Medications, and Sunscreen section on this page.

 Field Trip Days: Children should have a fully disposable lunch with no reusable containers, including disposable beverage containers. Refrigeration and heat-ups will not be available.

Drop-off and Pick-up

The Glen will continue to handle drop-off and pick-up through carline only. ​ 

Daily Carline for International Summer Camp (Birth-to-Three carline may differ):
Morning Drop-off: 8:15-8:30 am
Afternoon Pick-up: 3:40-3:55 pm   

Morning Session campers are picked up at 11:55 am at the front door.  Parents should park in a designated parking spot and meet their children near the flag pole.   

Late fees apply following the designated pick-up times listed above. See more information in the 2025 International Summer Camp Parent Handbook

Late drop off/pick up

If you arrive after the carline, park in a designated parking spot and walk your child to the front door.  Please buzz the intercom, and a staff member will meet you at the door to welcome your child.

Please be aware that this may take several minutes; limited staff will come from the classrooms to escort your child to their group. The Glen strongly encourages the use of carline – it is an easier transition for your child and keeps everyone on time for their mornings!

You may never park in Governor’s Drive during non-carline hours, even for a quick pick-up or drop-off.  It is an emergency access lane, and your vehicle could block emergency vehicles accessing the site.

Allergies, Medications and Sunscreen

Staffing assignments differ in the summer; if you are a year-round Glen student, your child’s summer teacher will not be the same as the school year. Therefore, all medical/allergy communication must go through the summer camp coordinator and be updated before the start of summer camp. This includes, but is not limited to, any Action Plans, medication, and instructions regarding medication and allergies.   


If your child has any allergies, please be sure their allergies are identified when you register and that both the summer camp coordinator and your child’s summer counselors are notified.  


All medications should be sent in original prescription bottles. Any medication that needs to stay on the school campus must be accompanied by a formal ‘Action Plan,’ which can be obtained through the school office. No medication, sunscreen, lip balm, or hand sanitizer may be in the child’s possession. 


Parents should apply sunscreen before dropping their child at The Glen every morning. Summer camp counselors will work with your child to ensure sunscreen is applied again before going outside in the afternoon. Parents are responsible for providing a bottle of sunscreen that will remain in the school building. 

Field Trips

Campers 4 years and older can attend occasional Field Trips throughout the summer. The cost of these trips is included in the 5-regular-day camp registration fee. School buses will provide transportation.

Field Trips are for regular-day campers (8:30 am-4:00 pm); 3-regular-day campers can attend if the field trip falls on one of your chosen 3-day dates. It is not an option for AM-only campers.

Parents are required to sign additional permission forms before each field trip.  Children without specific permission will stay behind with younger campers.